You can save a row, column, or module for reuse on your site. You can also export saved rows, columns, and modules for use in other websites.
You can save your row, column, or module as standard or global. When you save an item as global, each instance of it that you drag into any page on your site is linked to all other instances. Any change you make to one instance will update all instanced and the global saved version. If you save an item as standard, each instance in your layout is independent of the centrally saved row or module and from any other instance of it. In other words, once you drag a standard row or module into your layout, it’s just like any other row or module at that point.
To save a row, column, or module:
*Your saved rows and columns can be accessed on both the Rows tab and the Saved tab in the Content panel.
**Saved modules are accessed on the Saved tab.
The procedure for inserting a saved row, column, or module is the same whether it’s standard or global.
Global rows, columns, or modules have an orange overlay after they are inserted. Any modification you make to them will affect the saved version and all other instances in your site. Standard rows, columns, or modules don’t have any special formatting in your layout because they no longer have any association with the saved version.